The Martial Way: Living to a Higher Standard

The Martial Way is a manifestation of the ethical dimension of the martial arts. It is a paradigm that comprises how one conducts, carries, and regulates themselves. As with any ethical system, it is not something than can be put on or taken off like a coat whenever one chooses. To live the Martial Way is to go all-in and build your character upon it. Just as you would dedicate great amounts of time and effort to cultivating martial arts skills, so goes the Martial Way – it is an unending process of self-improvement and learning. 

Most martial artists, even the most serious practitioners, are not interested in the philosophical components – to say nothing of the Martial Way itself. This is not surprising, as most people are not interested in advanced ethical & moral considerations – stable societies (the jury might be out on this one) generally provide good-enough “rules” for most people. It generally takes a certain type of personality, life experience, or motivation to foster interest in going deeper into exploring one’s moral life.

The Martial Way is hardly the only system of advanced ethical living available today. Other such systems can be found in the advanced layers of most religions. On the secular front, various moral and political philosophies provide systems of sound ethical living without the invocation of the supernatural.

What makes the Martial Way unique compared to other such paradigms? The answer lies in two important differences. First, the Martial Way is tied to action and physicality in a way most other systems are not. Diligent practice of the martial arts is a requirement and the bedrock on which it is cultivated and expressed. Though there are certainly other mind-body disciplines, the Martial Way does not shy away from the importance of physical power as a component of cultivating mental & moral power: a strong body, tempered mind, and the power of martial prowess are essential to its ethical core. Advanced martial arts practice fosters great destructive power in practitioners – such power is essential to the action-oriented nature of the Martial Way: one cannot learn restraint without possessing power. In addition, this physicality instills temperament and somber responsibility that comes with power.

The other unique aspect of the Martial Way is its unique amalgamation of numerous complimentary philosophies. It combines the traditional warrior ethos with the concepts of responsibility found in Confucianism, the tranquility of Taoism, and the discipline found within Buddhism. At face value, these ideologies might seem to be quite contradictory to one another – which is true when each is taken as a whole. However, the Martial Way fuses the complimentary aspects of these philosophies into a new and unique outlook on life and ethics. Such a fusion presents a uniquely powerful way to live.

Regardless of whether you adopt the Martial Way or another such approach to deeper living and ethics, there is one overarching trait that is common to all who even entertain such ideologies: the desire to live life to a higher standard. Such a desire is hardly one which is taken up on a whim – nearly everyone who has this desire comes by it after deep reflection, introspection, and an ingrained sense of responsibility.  This conception of responsibility is not the common type most adults deal with daily, such as work, bills, or even family. The type of responsibility that drives such individuals to a lifestyle of higher ethical expression is felt towards their community, society, humanity, and beyond. It stems from a recognition that the beginnings of a better world start with individual actions and integrity.

The Martial Way is an ethical system that empowers practitioners to grow towards being their best selves. It is thoroughly selfless and based on the truth that the quantum of an ethical world lies within the character of every individual. For those with the deep-seated calling to live to a higher standard, it is a uniquely action-oriented expression of this special desire.

The Martial Way is a powerful and rewarding way of living derived from the martial arts. To learn more about the history, development, cultivation, and application of the Martial Way, check out my book NOBLE ECHOES: Gifts from the Martial Arts for Modern Life. Available in paperback or Kinde e-book.


The Missing Components of Martial Arts Training